Tuesday 29 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (The Ultimate Action)

"It's not what your eyes can see only but what the Spirit of God is saying. I have been a minister for almost 30-something years...I can prophesy without closing my eyes and I can tell you that this brother and sister can become a good couple."
-Bishop Matthew Addae-Mensah

We received an instructive message on 'Knowing the Perfect Will of God' by our Papa, Bishop Matthew Addae-Mensah during the G-Youth Camp 2015 all-night Service.

He taught us to know the will of God before stepping out to do something. Sometimes, we get into difficulty in business, ministry, marriage, etc. because we don't seek the will of God.

Reading from Romans 12:2, we discovered that God wants us to be in His perfect will. There are two dimensions to the will of God:

# The permissive/imperfect will of God.

# The Perfect will of God.

When you are in God's perfect will, you do what is on the mind of God. The things you do fit in the plan of God for your life. The perfect will of God causes you to excel.

On the other hand, people who find themselves in the permissive will of God are at cross-purposes with God. Even though God does not approve of it, He still permits you to go ahead and do it.

Referring to three Scripture passages, Bishop cited instances of people who had swayed into the permissive will of God.

The first passage was when the Israelites requested for a king (read 1 Samuel 8:4-8). It was not God's perfect will for them to have a king. Nevertheless, he okayed their request for one. Bishop cautioned us to beware of doing things without God in it.

The next case we saw was that of Balaam the prophet (read Numbers 22:9-24). Balak, king of Moab, was bent on destroying the nation of Israel, so he figured that he could do that by taking the battle from a spiritual dimension. He decided to go and see Balaam the prophet so that he would curse the nation of Israel. However, Balaam knew that Balak's request was an obvious impossibility- you cannot curse the nation of Israel; it won't work!

Initially, Balaam was headstrong about his conviction not to go with the princes Balak sent. God's perfect will for Balaam was for him not to go with the princes of Moab.

Yet, Balak sent more honourable princes to Balaam. Well, it seemed he was getting dissuaded from his previous conviction of not going with them. Thus, he told the princes he would not go but that he would pray about it.

Bishop drew our attention to that portion: The problem with a lot of people is that they change their mind, even after they have heard God's voice clearly, when people they respect get involved in the situation.

When you keep talking to God about the issue, you may change your mind and land yourself in the permissive will of God.

Remember, if you don't walk in perfect will of God, you will face difficulty; Balaam found himself locked between walls and a mighty angel.

Bishop said, "Sometimes, earthly considerations lead us into the permissive will of God."

The third reference was from 1 Chronicles 21:1-8 which talks about the time David numbered the people that he had. God had clearly stated that it was not supposed to be done. Actually, it was Satan who incited David to move against the will of God.

Bishop went on to show us how to know the perfect will of God viz.:

# We can see the will of God through His Word. That's the standard.

# We can know the will of God when God speaks to us through His prophets. God speaks to you through your pastor. (Read 2 Chronicles 20:20; 2 Samuel 7:4-7)

Often, if you don't follow the will of God, it will end in confusion (read Genesis 11:4)

It is also possible for God to tell you to do something which is seemingly foolish in the eyes of men. We see that in the case of Abram, when God called him (Genesis 12:1-2).

If you don't know the will of God, you may miss God.

Remember, if you move out of Christ, you have moved out of God's will.

# You can know the will of God through the Holy Spirit (speaking to you, in a dream or in a  vision). [Read Acts 16:1-10]

Learn to ask the Holy Spirit about God's will for your life.

Remember, it is possible for you to follow God's will and still be hindered by the devil; it will not be a smooth sail.

Prayer also features in knowing the will of God. You need to be led.

When you obey the will of God, He will give you provision; He will give you people who will help you.

DO!: It is possible to know the perfect will of God. Today, where do you stand? Are you in God's perfect will or His permissive will? Right now, just take a few moments to talk with the Lord; ask Him to lead you into His perfect will. His Word is also available to you to discover His perfect will. Study it to know what He is saying every day. Spend time in fellowship with the Holy Spirit daily.

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