Thursday 8 October 2015

Exalt the Lord!

"Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain in Jerusalem, for the Lord our God is holy!"

Psalm 99:9, NLT

It is recorded in the Book of Revelation that day after day and night after night, the four living beings cry out:

"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD God, the Almighty- the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come."
(Revelation 4:8)

On the 13th of March, 2015, God’s children had an encounter with Him which was truly an unforgettable experience. The annual Praise & Worship All Night of the G-Youth, It’s Time to Worship, was organized under the theme, ‘Come, see a Man (John 4:29)’.

We began the All-night in prayer and worship and praise. Minister Andrews Lartey gave members a welcome address from Lamentations 3:20-23: “My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Participants were indeed blessed by his exhortation on the goodness of God.

Minister Nana Kuffour, our National Youth President, explained the purpose of our gathering saying that when you praise God, He takes away the P (problem) and raises you. He prophesied that every burden anyone came with would be lifted as we worshipped and praised the Lord! He added, ‘Forget about your problems and your burdens and they will be rolled away.’

Afterwards, there was an awesome time of joyful praise, and Minister Prince led congregants in a time of rapturous worship. Naa Mercy Sinclair also led members in a spirit-filled worship experience. She pointed out that, ‘Worship is desiring God above all else.’ Congregants prayed in the spirit for close to half an hour and the entire auditorium was supercharged with the tangible Presence and anointing of the Holy Ghost. Just then, songs of worship started rolling of our tongues from our inner man. It was simply joyous!

From that atmosphere, we were led into another time of jubilant praise. The Jewels of Jesus captivated the audience with a song ministration. Heavenly Waves also ministered in choreography to congregants. Then the seraphic Choir from the Prampram branch also ministered in singing to the members.

Afterwards, Piesie Esther led participants in intimate worship and exuberant praise, ministering to those in expectation for marriage.

The Vessels of Christ Theatre were also present to unleash their treasure upon the hundreds present in choreography. The Gospel Light Mass Choir also ministered to the congregation powerfully.

The March edition of It’s Time to Worship was an awesome time in God’s Presence. We indeed came to see the Man Jesus Christ. Get ready for It’s Time to Worship this month! It promises to be a great session of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, with healings, salvation and a great outpouring of the Spirit and Grace!
Click here for more details.

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