Q & A

Are you experiencing challenges in any area of your life which makes you in need of help? Do you have questions that keep running through your mind, but you seem not to find real and workable answers to those questions?

The Word of God is the best material that can address that specific need in your life! Q & A is designed to instruct, guide and help you if you're facing any challenges with respect to living triumphantly as a Christian.

On a regular basis, you will see posts of articles answering the questions that have been asked; out of which you can also benefit immensely.

You can simply drop us a mail at rhema.lec@gmail.com, or subscribe to our mailing list and we will correspond with you on a regular basis. Another alternative is that you can call our hot line 026 504 4415.

God bless you richly, and remember that God loves you dearly and wants the best for you!

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