Friday 25 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #22)

"Don't despise yourself and hide that talent...begin with the end in mind. Your vision can be progressive. Break it into manageable chunks."
- Mr. Kojo Ohene-Kyei

This is the concluding part of Mr. Kojo Ohene-Kyei's message on 'How to create your desired future.' Yesterday, we learned about the importance of being specific in our goal setting. The following is the continuation of the tips for reaching your goals:

# Form a habit of continuous learning. Successful people read something every day. "Reading maketh a man."
Remember, if you can't read, at least, one book a year, you can't compete.
Read at least, a book a month, in addition to your studies. As you read, your perspective begins to change.

# Set priorities. They help you to do first things first.

# Preparation & practice is important. Remember, people will pay premium for excellence. Don't be complacent with your achievements.

Learn to distinguish between assets and liabilities in your life by asking, "Does it advance my cause?"

Postpone consumption today for your desired future otherwise you will be eating away the future you desire.
We first make our habits and then our habits make us.

# Develop a network of relationships.
'Alone we can do little; together we can do more.' Networks are even more important than money.

# Set yourself challenging targets.

# Be accountable to somebody. Your mentors can help you.

# Be flexible.

# Be aware of the unchangeable.

# Keep hope alive in difficult circumstances. If you keep hope alive, you will move mountains.

# Build your relationship with God. Set goals with regard  to your prayer and  meditation on the Word.

It's about balance. Keep stuff documented in your mind.

Finally, let us observe these winning attitudes:

# Discipline

# Fortitude

# Passion/Confidence

# Integrity. Don't cut corners. Integrity is simply doing what you said you would do.

# Keep your focus.

# Show proper respect and humility.

The rewards for using your talent are long lasting.

Remember that all things are possible but God expects you to play your part.

DO!: Now, you have more tips for reaching your goals. Have an increased appetite for knowledge. Learn daily. Enrich yourself spiritually through prayer and meditation on the Word every day. And incorporate the winning attitudes into your life.

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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