Wednesday 23 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #20)

"My (Hyundai) Accent 6229-09 that was taken away led to good things; it was very good."
- Honourable Ato Sarpong

Today, we continue with the remaining principle from Genesis 1:2,31.

Dreams must be backed by decisions. The decisions you make either deform or transform you. There are three basic decisions every human being must make (consciously or unconsciously):

# Your decision about eternity.

# Your decision about your career.

# Your decision about who to marry.

The sixth point he gave was on discipline. Discipline makes a huge difference between the productive and unproductive. Pay attention to your use of time. Learn to live on 55% of your earnings. Your 'yes' must be your 'yes' and your 'no' must be your 'no'.

Also, determine to be diligent. Do whatever you're given to do with all your heart. Do it, and do it well.

Finally, have drive and determination. In all things, give thanks. Despite the opposition, press on. "There is no situation like 'hopelessness'; it's just a process."

In closing, Honourable Ato Sarpong told campers that positive advertisers are necessary for advancement. He urged us to ask God for such people. A good name will open doors for you.

DO!: The remaining four principles have been given to you today. Add them to the first four and apply them to your life and you'll see a marked improvement in your life.

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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