Thursday 24 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #21)

"Don't despise yourself and hide that talent...begin with the end in mind. Your vision can be progressive. Break it into manageable chunks."
- Mr. Kojo Ohene-Kyei

Every human being has, at some point in life, desired a future more glorious than it was at the time of inspiration. Many a time, those dreams look so abstract that all one can do is just see it as that- a dream.

However, the good news is that you can actually create your desired future. There are practical steps you can take to bring your dreams to fruition.

The CEO of IFS Financial Services, Mr. Kojo Ohene-Kyei, walked us through specific tested and proven principles for creating our desired future.

"For so many people," he began, "the gap between where they are now and their desired end is huge."

He emphasised that money is helpful BUT money is not everything. Building the life you desire begins with you.

His theme text was Matthew 25:14-30, which is the parable of the talents (please read it today).

He postulated the need for us not to despise ourselves nor hide our talents. He further said that the talent God gives you comes with grace. Exercise courage to DO. God expects you to trade profitably.

Certain roles for you are mandatory not optional. If you don't determine where you're going, anywhere is OK.

Begin with the end in mind. Your vision can be progressive. Break your vision into manageable chunks. Have clarity of thoughts; know what you're good at.

Learn to start from your comfort zone and if there is an industry you seem not to be knowledgeable in, partner with someone you know who is skilled in that area.

The reason many of us do not reach our goals is that we are not specific enough. Here are some tips for reaching your goals:

# Be specific.

# Pray about it to validate the things you want to do.

# Write your thoughts down and remind yourself of them every day. Provide a service that adds value to the world. What you set out to do must be genuine and add value to people.

# Find a mentor; mentors shape your thoughts and guide you.

# Have a sustainable plan.
Remember this:
An idea + a convincing plan + credibility/integrity = successful startup

Getting partners is done through preparation of a comprehensive plan.

Take good care of your integrity right from now!

# Work at your goals.
Procrastination and laziness sabotage your effort. Set dates/milestones. Don't postpone it even if you're tired. Pinch yourself and work at it.

# Learn to crawl before you walk. Invest your money in your life and build your life before you think about FUN! Don't spend your money frivolously.

Remember, money that comes into your hands is not always for consumption.

Allocate 10% each of your finances for your tithes, emergencies and investment.

Also, learn to cut your coat according to your cloth. "Your life is not about the car you drive. Don't try to gain acceptance." Learn how to invest. Have an investment account.

To be continued...

DO!: Indeed, it is possible to create your desired future. Start putting your talent to work; don't hide it. Set goals and work at them. You now know that specificity in setting your goals is very important. And so if you have a very broad view of your goal in mind, find a way of breaking it down in such a way that you can start working on that vision right away. Talk to God about it and you'll receive wisdom about the way you should go. On the other hand, if you don't have any goal, you better sit down now with a pen and paper in hand and write one down. With all that God has endowed you with, you can't afford to live a goalless life!

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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