Tuesday 22 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #19)

"My (Hyundai) Accent 6229-09 that was taken away led to good things; it was very good."
- Honourable Ato Sarpong

Yesterday's Hear&Do! was the beginning part of this message by Honourable Ato Sarpong. We learned that in order to get from the promise of God to the position of prosperity, we need to go through the process. Today, we'll discover 8 principles based on the theme Scripture (Genesis 1:2, 31) used by the Honourable Minister:

# God was dissatisfied with the earth as it was at the time. Be dissatisfied with your current state/environment?

# Before taking action, have a definite purpose.

# You must discover your potential/talents and monetize it.

# Have a DREAM.

# Your dreams must be backed by decisions.

# Be disciplined.

# Be diligent.

# Have drive and determination.

OK, so let's break down each of these eight principles:

First of all, you must be dissatisfied with your environment, just as God was dissatisfied with the darkness that was upon the face of the deep. "Anytime you become satisfied with your current condition, you are limited because you wouldn't create a pathway for progress." Remember, CHANGE responds to your level of dissatisfaction. Notice that because God was dissatisfied, he took action. What do you want to do?

Secondly, God took action. However, He had a definite purpose before taking action. You must have a definite purpose before taking action. He explained further, "We all frame what we want to be by the people ahead of us...If you don't have a purpose in life, you won't end anywhere in life."

The plan of life is influenced by our purpose.

Isaac Newton said, "If I have seen any further, it has been by standing on the shoulders of giants."

When you have purpose, you are not distracted. Purpose leads to humility and passion.

Thirdly, you must monetize your talents. We fail because we don't have the willpower and the zeal to continue, not because we don't have talent.

Put your talent to use and you'll be rewarded.

There is a lot of work between discovery of your talent and monetizing it. Be ready to leave certain things. There are some friends who are toxic- cut them off!

Next, you must have a DREAM. A DREAM is that broad inspirational picture of what you want to do. Here's an acrostic to help you DREAM:

Desire- a dream is always started by a desire.

Resourcefulness- you don't need resources; YOU must be resourceful.

Enthusiasm- What pushes you to do what you do?

Action- Sometimes, you aim too many times; you must shoot.

Motivation- Keep that picture in view always.

To be continued...

DO!: You have the first 4 principles in the process of getting you to the position of prosperity. Start putting them to work. Don't get comfortable with you current state; be dissatisfied. Have a definite purpose. Discover and monetize your talents, and have a DREAM.

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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