Monday 21 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #18)

"My (Hyundai) Accent 6229-09 that was taken away led to good things; it was very good."
- Honourable Ato Sarpong

Sometimes, when challenging seasons show up in life and victory sounds like such a foreign word to the ears of people, they cry out to God, "Why me?" But is that how God teaches us to respond to debilitating circumstances?


Honourable Ato Sarpong, the Deputy Minister of Communications, elucidated on the journey from hopelessness to greatness in the morning session of Day 5. If you have found yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place in life, this message is for you. It will turn your fortunes around and put springs in steps as you lift your head up and walk with confidence to make the most of the life God has called you to.

With wit, anecdotes and testimonies, Honourable Ato Sarpong presented his discourse. He had two verses serving as his background text encapsulating his entire message:

And THE EARTH WAS WITHOUT FORM, AND VOID; AND DARKNESS WAS UPON THE FACE OF THE DEEP. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, IT WAS VERY GOOD. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
(Genesis 1:2,31)

Before expounding the above verses, the Honourable Minister noted that, "God has made all of us a promise that He'll prosper us."

Thus, referring to the verses, he said that the whole earth was a chaotic mess in verse 2. However, in verse 31, the Bible says that 'everything was very good.'

He therefore adumbrated an intensive three-step journey that will lead to the prosperity God has promised us viz.:






Before you can get to your position of prosperity, peace or progress, you must go through a process consisting of these three key elements:

# Each of us has a potential that must be tapped.

# Practice with your potential (performance)

# Persevere through challenges.

Remember that adversities are important in life.

There are certain seasons that you must go through in life; you need to move from a position of INSIGNIFICANCE to FRUSTRATION to UNCERTAINTY to INJUSTICE to SILENCE to ADVERSITY to BREAKTHROUGH!

It's ALL for the good of the final destination.

To be continued...

DO!: God has a made a promise to prosper you. In order to get from your current state to your final destination, you must go through the process. And that is what involves discovering and using your potential, and persevering through challenges. What is that unique ability God has graced you with? Start practising with it. Are you going through terrible challenges today? Persevere through them; the Bible says count it all joy when you go through diverse tests (James 1:2).

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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