Friday 18 September 2015

Highlights of The Verdict 2015

Two weeks ago, The Verdict, a debate Competition designed to enhance members' public speaking ability, enable them to reason from God's viewpoint on issues and build their confidence, took place at the Phenomenal Faith Cathedral. It was full of sheer glory as contestants argued on the motion: "The office of the Evangelist is more resourceful than the office of the Pastor."

Rexford Aryee (Kotobabi branch) and Thywill Beryl Billson (Central) contested for the motion while Mercy Allotey (Central) and Gabriella Asante (Dansoman) contested against the motion.

We were blessed to receive special ministrations from Bluebird Ministries, a team of young and talented saints who weave creativity into the articulation of the truths of God. Their ministrations were swimmingly fluid and edifying!

So, Rexford Aryee, principal speaker for the motion, stepped behind the pulpit to announce and defend his team's stance. He argued that Evangelism is the number one job of every Christian. His presentation was very authoritative.

Then, Mercy Allotey, principal speaker against the motion, also presented her stance on the motion. She argued that even though the work of the Evangelist is great, he would not have become who he was had it not been for the ministry of the Pastor.

The secondary speakers also took their turns to do their presentations.

The judges, Nana Ampem-Darko (Jewels of Jesus) and Derrick Korletey (Bluebird Ministries) commented on the presentation of the contestants. Nana observed that their points were good but pointed them to the fact that both offices are important since the Bible says, 'Paul planted, Appollos watered, but God gave the increase.'
Derrick also noted that some contestants did not maintain eye contact as they had their heads stuck in their speech.

The competition got even more interesting as it progressed. The coaches for both teams (Matthew Addae-Mensah Jnr.-for the motion, and Samuel Fianko-against the motion), livened up the programme when each one argued to establish the stance of his team.

We were also privileged to have members of the Clergy present namely Lady Rev. Mrs. Diana Asante, and Rev. Albert Bartlett-Mingle.

As the argument was ongoing, Lady Rev. Mrs. Asante gladly gave the audience profitable input on the office of the Pastor. She explained that the Pastor's role is to nurture the people of God with sound teaching. She added that the Pastor has a motherly role to perform.

Contestants were assessed in five key areas:

# Use of relevant Scriptures

# Appropriate use of verb tenses

# Body language

# Logical flow of argument

# Appearance

The judges finally put together the results and there was a tie. As a result, the audience voted for which team they thought had won- the pros emerged first.

Give-aways that the contestants received include certificates and notebooks. Those is first position have a free ticket to attend the 2016 Springboard Africa Roadshow and 'Speak Like a Pro'.

The second team received Amplified Bibles and 'One thing you can't do in Heaven.'

Lady Rev. Mrs. Diana Asante graciously presented the prizes to the assiduous contestants.

The audience was not left out of the give-away equation as they received sumptuous savouries to ingest as they journeyed home.

Special thanks to sponsors of this year's Competition: Rhemart Gifts Hub, NakSarpong Clothing and Pastor Chief Boakye. God bless you richly and increase your fruits of righteousness. Not forgetting our resourceful planning/organising team (you know yourselves), our judges, contestants, our able MOD, Hylda Welbeck, and Bluebird Ministries. God bless you ALL!

Have you been challenged by this report? Do you seek to improve your public speaking ability by participating in next year's Competition in April? Or are you a parent, guardian or leader who has seen some uncanny ability in your ward or member? Then this is the time...shoot a mail to with your number and the participant's name.


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