Friday 4 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #10)

"If you don't have a good relationship with God, you can't have a good relationship with others."
- Lady Apostle Frances Dodoo-Amoo

Lady Apostle Frances Dodoo-Amoo shared on Godly Relationships on Day 3 of Camp 2015. It was a refreshing session. She began by explaining the two key words in the title of her message: GODLY and RELATIONSHIP.

Here are the definitions:

GODLY- Having the mind of God; being Christlike.

She added, "When you are Godly, everything about you points to Christ!"

RELATIONSHIP- The way in which two or more people are connected, for a purpose.

She continued by expounding on our relationship with God, saying that it is the first kind of relationship you must have. She emphasised, "If you don't have a good relationship with God, you can't have a good relationship with others...God should be your NUMBER ONE lover!"

She urged us to receive the supply of God's love through communion with Him.

She also taught us a practical way of embracing God's love daily: by meditating on His goodness.

Lady Apostle Dodoo-Amoo admonished us not to take God out of our decision-making: "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." (Psalm 37:4,5)

Remember, the unconditional love of God does not expect something  from another. That's the kind of love we must have!

Based on the Scripture quoted, she excavated two major points:

#Delight yourself in God.

#Commit yourself to Him.

Then she asked a very important question: Do people see God in you?

Learn to respect people, no matter who they are.

One MAIN thing that destroys relationships is ATTITUDE.

Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

If you don't correct your attitude, it becomes your character.

"How do you talk to people?"

# Work at being friendly.

#Be kind

# SMILE ��

# Respect one another.

# Love one another.

Remember, people desire to be comfortable and celebrated. It's your divine calling to ensure that in their lives.

God brings certain people (mostly whom we don't really like) our way to correct us.

Learn to keep people's secrets with you.

⚠ Lady Apostle charged everyone to memorize 1 Timothy 4:12:

"Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

You should be a signboard for people to come to the House of God!

Be strong in character, like Joseph.
Be sober, like Ruth.
Be wise, like Solomon.
Be kind, like Abigail.
Be patient, like Jacob.

Serve God faithfully whiles waiting for the blessings. Improve on yourself. Aim high! God has better plans for you- stay cool!

Make sure you don't disappoint people. Be honest with people.

DO!: Prioritise your relationship with God above all else; that will help you to relate well with others. Today, meditate on 1 Timothy 4:12.

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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