Thursday 3 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Pause & Hahgah)

Action #7 (Lady Bishop (Elect) Naana Addae-Mensah on 10 reasons why you must win souls)

The day you give your life to Christ, you become an EVANGELIST; He gives you the power to preach the Gospel. Preach It!

[Meditate on: Mark 16:15-16; Daniel 12:3; Proverbs 11:30; Romans 10:15; Luke 15:7,10]

Action #8 (Lady Bishop (Elect) Naana Addae-Mensah)

When you preach the Gospel, you're free of the blood of sinners and it shows that you are not ashamed of the Gospel. Proclaim the Gospel to people today!

[Meditate on: Matthew 10:32; Ezekiel 33:3-4; Matthew 9:36;  Luke 14:21; Romans 1:16]

Action #9 (Apostle Nana Yiadom-Boakye on Why you must plant Churches)

If a shepherd does not have a pen to keep his flocks, they will all scatter. Planting churches fulfils the Great Commission. You're a potential church planter!

[Meditate on: Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9; Matthew 18:20; Luke 19:10; John 15:16]

Keep 'hahgah-ing'...   ��


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