Thursday 17 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #17)

"The difference between success and failure is training and preparation."
- Mr. Bernard Avle

The afternoon session of Day 4 at Camp 2015 put boosters in the hearts of participants to influence their world with God's investment in them. Mr. Bernard Avle, Director of News Programming at Citi fm, delivered a message on 'Developing the Leader in you.'

He began by pointing out that what we become in future is dependent on what we do in our childhood. He assured campers that everyone present in the meeting is a leader.

He also said, "The world is waiting for you...the difference between success and failure is training and preparation."

Quoting from 2 Corinthians 4:7, he declared that, "If there is something precious in you, the outside of you has to be beaten for it to come out."

He moved on to his theme Scripture reference, Matthew 5:13-14:

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden."

What are the uses of salt? It enhances taste, preserves, influences, kills germs, cleanses and seasons.

If you want to season one pound of meat, you need just a pinch of salt.

That means, as the salt of the earth, you are supposed to be leading and influencing people's lives.

In the Amplified Bible salt stands for taste, that is strength and quality. In other words, if we are not on this earth, it will be destroyed.

The world is the operating system of the earth.

Every day you live your life without impact, you are abusing it.

What is the use of light?
It leads, gives sight, direction, confidence, life, brings clarity, heals, shows the way and reveals the true nature of a thing.

When you walk into a place, people should receive light. The purpose of leadership is not so that you can get glory for yourself.

Verse 16 of Matthew 5 talks about men seeing your GOOD WORKS, so that they will give glory to God.

There are two dimensions to your good works:

# The power of your example (what is within you that causes you to lead and influence lives, moral excellence)

# The example of your power (the outward expression of the investment within you)

You ARE before you DO!
Leadership  is about who you are not what you do.

Positions, titles, money, etc. are physical adornments.

Spend your time developing your inner man. God looks at the hidden side. The heart of a king is on his inside.

Remember, preparation is the secret to success.

Leadership is from inside out.

Learn how to be led by the Spirit.
Fast. Pray. Wait on God.

People will respond to what is inside you. The only thing that is priceless is what is inside you.

True greatness is not what you can do in Church; we must deal with the world.

Great leaders exhibit leadership in the world circles.

It's better to be called from the back to the front than to be called from the front to the back.

Discover your assignment on time and that's how you'll be a leader.

Be disciplined.

He cited the following quotes as he ministered:

# "Leadership is influence."
- John C. Maxwell

# "What you love is a clue to what you contain and what you hate is a clue to what you must solve."
- Dr. Mike Murdock

DO!: You are the salt of the earth and the light of world. God has called you to lead men out of darkness into His light. Invest in your inner man by spending time with the Holy Spirit in prayer and meditating on the Word. Broaden your scope of knowledge. Make an impact in your environment- your school, the corporate world, etc.

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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