Tuesday 15 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #15)

"The work of a watchman is 'blood business'."

The Bible records in John 10:41 that John the Baptist did no miracle. That verse of Scripture was Apostle Divine Norteye's opening reading. But why didn't John do any miracles? John preached repentance void of compassion. The man of God had no compassion; it is compassion that will enable you to perform miracles.

Ezekiel 3:17-21 talks about how God has chosen you to be a watchman. Your job is to warn the unrighteous to turn away from their own ways and to embrace God's grace. Otherwise, if they die in their sins, God will hold you accountable for their souls.

Apostle Divine intimated that the work of a watchman is 'blood business.' This is because the reference above says that if the wicked die in their sins, God will require their blood at your hand. Can you account for someone's blood?

Young Timothy followed after the faith of his mother and grandmother. You must carry the zeal of your forefathers in the faith.

Making reference to mind boggling deeds of darkness in certain parts of the world, the man of God announced that, "It is ONLY the Gospel that changes animalistic behaviour in human beings."

He then moved on to his theme of Becoming an Effective Shepherd. Apostle Divine said there are two kinds of shepherds:

# Meaty shepherds (like Hophni and Phinehas, the sons of Eli the Priest) [read Ezekiel 34:1-6]

# True Shepherds (like Samuel the Prophet)

As you preach the Gospel, nothing shall by any means hurt you.

There are invisible forces in operation to help you carry out your ministry (read Joshua 5:13).

God is counting on you to reach your generation with the Gospel.

Don't go and preach condemnation like John the Baptist did. The Gospel is a message of God's love.

Watch over your sheep; pray for them. The shepherd is a caring and loving guide to the sheep.

Remember, people are the sheep.

Set time aside to CARE, FEED, and GATHER the sheep.

Arise and join the great work of winning souls to the Lord. Now that you're young, seize the opportunity to preach the Gospel.

Also remember, the words you hear today light you up on fire to go and preach the Gospel.

Keep this thought: The power of the Spirit is what is necessary for change in people's lives.

DO!: God wants all men to be saved (2 Peter 3:9). What are you doing about it? Arise and preach the Gospel today. Spend time in fervent intercession as well.

REVIEW: What are the key lessons you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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