Monday 14 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #14)

"You don't only preach; the people must remain."
- Apostle Victor Badger

In the morning session of Day 4, we received the ministry of Apostle Victor Badger on Church on Campus.

There are over 7 billion people on earth now and majority of these people are Buddhists and Muslims. And even some of those called Christians are not committed to Jesus. This places on us a BIG responsibility to evangelise the world.

Turning over to Matthew 16:13-20, Apostle Badger showed us the first reference that was made of the Church.

He charged those on Campuses or yet to enter the tertiary institutions to:

# Report to your pastor if there is no Gospel Light Church on Campus, so that one can be set up.

# Join a Gospel Light Church when you get on Campus.

He declared, "You are great because there is an investment in you- God is in you. The Bible talks about a treasure that is in us."

Be of service to God.

John 15:16 says, "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." Apostle Badger explained that the secret to being blessed is in GOING to preach the Gospel. You don't only preach; the people must remain.

Apostle Badger gave us 3 benefits of having Church on Campus viz.:

#1: Church on Campus enables you to preach the Gospel and help fruit to remain.

#2: When you have Church on Campus, you have the opportunity to grow your gifts. The Lord wants your gifts to manifest.
God delights in using young people. David was young but he defeated Goliath.

Without the Campus Ministry, the future of the Church is jeopardized.

#3: Church on Campus gives us the opportunity to be trained.

If you've never been on missions before, desire to go on missions.

Don't be a pew-warmer- one who has not used his talents (read Matthew 25:14).

The future of the Church depends on you.

Finally, Apostle Badger charged us to give ourselves to the study of the Word.

DO!: Are you getting ready to enter any tertiary institution, or already on Campus? This is an opportunity for you to be involved in making sure Gospel Light becomes a household name on Campus. Join the Church today if you are not in it. And if you're already in the Church, give it your best- serve faithfully!

REVIEW: What are the key lessons you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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