Tuesday 8 September 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #12)

"Sometimes, you can preach to yourself when you're alone."
- Bishop Matthew Addae-Mensah

Bishop shared briefly on The Art of Preaching and Teaching during the Worship/Praise Night of Camp 2015.

He noted that preaching is a public work which needs to be taught even though one can learn by observation.

He exhorted us to be properly dressed, adding that, "Your dressing is also a statement. You must look decently dressed."

Bishop treated three aspects of preaching.

The first was IMPROMPTU PREACHING. He explained that this is often done when presenting an evangelistic message. That is, you do not necessarily preach from a sermon outline or notes which have been prepared. He noted that quotable Scriptures in such an instance include John 3:16 and Romans 3:23. The man of God emphasised the need for us to be brief when doing impromptu preaching. He delineated the dichotomy between the love of God and the judgment of God, explaining that when you're preaching about God's love, do not deviate to God's judgment. Furthermore, he said you can pick a theme, for instance, about how to be born again (Read John chapter 3). This form of preaching (impromptu) is often done outside Church (in the community, at work, at the market, on the streets, etc.)

Secondly, Bishop shed some light on two principles for preaching in Church, or among a group. He talked about maintaining eye contact with all your audience, and pointed out that the trick is to survey the room or place where you're preaching with your eyes. That way, you can get everyone to be aware that the message is for them!

He then animatedly described another principle for teaching: hermeneutics. He noted that hermeneutics denotes demonstrating your message. You must dramatise it in such a way that your message will be livened up. It was a great joy to receive an array of demonstrations on stage by campers who volunteered to dramatise their message through hermeneutics!

Finally, Bishop charged us to do a lot of research when preparing to preach. He also explained that whereas PREACHING appeals to one's emotions, TEACHING appeals to the heater's conscience. He said that every message has 3 major components: the introductory/leading verse, the body and the conclusion. He then concluded by remarking that when you get to the climax of the message, don't delay; descend and conclude!

DO!: Preaching the Gospel is God's Number One Job. Learn to make it your utmost passion. With the knowledge of impromptu preaching, it's very clear that you're sure to 'nail it' when opportunities come your way to preach the Gospel. If you're an M.O.D. during a Chruch Service or you're leading a home cell meeting, you should be able to maintain eye contact with the congregation and make good use of hermeneutics.

REVIEW: What are the key lessons you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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