Saturday 21 November 2015

Seven surefire tips fro winning a Soul a Day (Part 2)

Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
Luke 15:10

2. Get HUNGRY; not ANGRY

Why condemn yourself because you couldn't preach the whole of last week? It's true that preaching the Gospel is your primary mandate on earth, but beware when condemnation begins to set in, if you have not been able to reach certain targets you have set for yourself to achieve. The Bible says there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1). That voice you hear which keeps belittling you for your inability to win souls, or your forgetting to pray for the sick to be healed is not of God.

The Holy Spirit convicts; He does not condemn (John 16:8)

Now, instead of getting mad at yourself, which will render you even more unproductive, rather be desirous of greater works.

Be hungry for souls. That will keep you on fire every day, because you'll be like a hunter who excitedly goes to the forest knowing full well that there's game for him, and all he has to do is to spot them, aim well, fire his gun and pick it up.

Don't be like the fisherman who's so consumed with the poor catch yesterday that he does not even dream of going to the sea anymore.

This is your life's call: to preach the Gospel. Get excited every day as you wake up and say to yourself, "By the power of the Spirit, I will impart eternal life to many people today as I preach the Gospel and they believe."

So, don't get angry; be hungry!

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