Friday 28 August 2015

OPERATION #Hear&Do! (Action #9)

"If a shepherd does not have a pen to keep his flocks, they will all scatter."
- Apostle Nana Yiadom-Boakye

As part of our mandate to preach the Gospel, church planting is so vital in making disciples of the people who believe the Gospel. It's like giving birth to a newly born child; it needs a home in which the mother would nurse it and train it to adapt to the new environment that it has found itself in.

On the same evening that we received 10 reasons to win souls, we were blessed to receive the ministry of Apostle Nana Yiadom-Boakye, who shared on Why you must plant churches everywhere you go.

He severally hammered on this point: Every child of God is a potential church planter. This is because the Bible says that we are priests (see 1 Peter 2:9). Turning to Joel 2:28, he declared that by reason of the Holy Spirit in us, we have been given all the power required in order to plant churches.

Due to time constraints, he was able to outline 7 reasons we must plant churches everywhere we go, as follows:

#1: When you plant churches, you fulfil the Great Commission ( read Matthew 28:18-20).

#2: You must plant churches because you are a priest (read 1 Peter 2:9).

#3: You must plant churches because where two or three come together in the Name of Jesus, He is there with them (read Matthew 18:20).

#4: You must plant churches because as you do, you are fulfilling the heartbeat of Jesus Christ (Luke 19:10)

#5: You must plant churches so that we will see the Spirit of God using you to bring after your kind and so that your fruit will remain (read John 15:16).

#6: You must plant churches because that was the pattern of the Early Church.

#7: You must plant churches so that those souls that have been won will not be scattered.

Today, believe in yourself that you're a church planter!

DO!: Since Tuesday, you've revised along the lines of preaching the Gospel. And today, you have learnt about the importance of churches.
New believers need to be fed with the Word of God for establishment in the faith. People like you and me are needed to build them up with the Word. It's time to work on helping the new converts in your area to grow. Pray to God and inform your pastor about your desire to plant churches and you'll be guided concerning how you should go about planting a church there. If you come to a new community, preach the Gospel, gather the people and have Services with them (co-ordinate with your own pastor always before you begin).

REVIEW: What is the key lesson you have learnt from today's Hear&Do? Please share to bless a brother or sister.


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